March 28, 2025 09:52:29 PM Menu

This diet is based on the lemons and in determined mode it makes detoxification of the body, and what’s the best thing about it is that in 14 days you can lose 20 pounds.
This diet is very simple.
Every morning before breakfast drink lemon juice and water as it is described bellow

The Diet That Helped Everyone Lose Weight: 20 Pounds Less For Just Two Weeks
First day – juice of 1 lemon and 1 cup water
Second day – 2 lemons and 2 cups water
Third Day – 3 lemons and 3 cups water

Fourth day – 4 lemons 4 cups water
Fifth day – 5 lemons and 5 cups water
Sixth day – 6 lemons and 6 cups water
Seventh day – 3 lemons and 10 cups water mixed with a teaspoon of honey and drink during the whole day
Eighth day – 6 lemons and 6 cups water
Ninth day – 5 lemons and 5 cups water
At the 10th day start reducing the amount of one lemon and a glass of water to the 13th day when again re-take the juice of 1 lemon and 1 cup water
14th day – juice of 3 lemons and 10 cups of water and a teaspoon of honey and drink before breakfast as possible, and rest during the day.

While you drink this lemon juice, try to eat healthier food. No one in this world lost weight while eating junk food. At the morning you can eat any kind of oats. For a snack you can eat some fruit. The lunch should contain proteins, so you can eat meat with vegetable. Try not to eat after 6 p.m. If you have a desire to eat, make some vegetable salad. Avoid eating fruits at the evening hours.


  1. Interesting info. I'm not sure I understand the 7th day. Do you drink just the lemon drink or do you drink it with food throughout the day?

    1. I don't understand day 10 to day 13 do you reduceto 1 lemon and a cup of water?and is this warm water or cold?

    2. Day 10 4 lemons and 4 cups water, day 11 3&3 day 12 is 2&2 day 13 is 1 lemon &1 cup water

  2. You just drink it throughout the day but you still eat food

  3. Has anyone else tried this and lost weight as well? Please comment.

  4. I started a few days ago and already lost 3lbs. Seems to be working for me although I do cave sometimes and have my all time favorite!!! I'm 5'3" and my start weight was 140 ... if I could lose about 15lbs using this method'll be GREAT!!

    1. Questions:
      Today is my first day and i will drink one lemon juice and one water before breakfast.
      Tomorrow i can do the same.
      The question is that should day 3 and so on be also "before breakfast" or 2 cups of water and lemon juice before breakfast and the rest during the day??
      Thank you

  5. Does that mean that all the other days that dont say drink throughout the day means i must drink them in the morning all before breakfast?

    1. No dear throughout the day instead of drinking water have ths drink

  6. Would dinner be similar to lunch, just eat it before 6? Or do you skip dinner all together?

  7. I am 16, 5'2 and weigh between 102 and 112. Could I do this?

    1. Why, you are at a healthy/perfect weight/height proportions?!!

  8. Of course this will work. But remember, it is only short term. Once you resume to eating normally, the weight will come right back on, probably more than you lost. The only way to lose weight safely so that it stays off, is to change the way you eat and exercise. A way of life, not a diet.

  9. Can I use me vitamix and just use the whole lemon?

    1. I was thinking the same thing and will probably try that.

    2. Follow the plan exactly as it says.

  10. If i have calculated correctly it is a total of 47 lemons and 47 cups of regular temperature water over 14 days. Is this correct?

  11. If i have calculated correctly it is a total of 47 lemons and 47 cups of regular temperature water over 14 days. Is this correct?

  12. I am 159cm and weight is 70kg. My goal is to lose 20kg. I have calculated 47 lemons and 47 glasses of regular temperature water to be drank as guided per day over the course of that day with regular healthy eating habits. Is this correct?

  13. Can you use bottled lemon juice or must it be real lemons?

    1. Im thinking real lemons are better then the bottles juice

  14. Are you supposed to drink this throughout the day or right away in the morning?

    1. I was wondering the same thing

  15. Silly thing ever! Unreal,not clear non sense

  16. Lemon juice like this will take all the enamel off your teeth. I do not think this diet will work at all. Much better to reduce intake of food, and exercise weekly. Can not believe anyone would even entertain this idea of a diet.

  17. How many oz is a cup of water in this scenerio

    1. In any scenario a cup is always 8oz.

  18. I tried it. Squeezed real lemons with pulp, helped some but did not lose the weight claimed. Maybe 3 lbs total. Not worth the hype

  19. Should I take the juice of an whole lemon or a slice of it

  20. Are you supposed to drink this throughout the day or right away in the morning?

    1. I have a simiar question after day 2

  21. hey guys :)

    will prbly clear up alot of the confusion :)

    Starting this today :D

  22. There are 8oz in 1 cup. You will need more to drink in a day

  23. Can this diet be repeated? Any break in between?
    I am on day 12 and i lost 9 pounds only.
    But i am not complaining.

  24. Can this diet be repeated? Any break in between?
    I am on day 12 and i lost 9 pounds only.
    But i am not complaining.

  25. Is there a definitive answer to when it is to be drunk. Day 6 1.5L before breakfast is a hell of a lot of liquid to drink in one go.

